Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Inaugural Message

It is hoped that this weblog will be not a source of contention, nor a pouring out of grievances or old partisan quips, but a meeting point for common discussion of some chiefly American problems. These are problems that are primarily the domain of what we call "politics" in this country, and while not everyone would agree that politics or deliberative democracy can solve them, indeed that is the subject of posting for this blog.

Policy discussions and questions on the role of government are welcome here, and new posters on this blog will be added as they prove interesting in their commentary on what is being discussed. This is exactly why anonymous and open comments will be allowed -- to move the discussion to new places, and bring other perspectives to bear on issues.

That said, outright inflammatory comments -- and posts -- will be summarily deleted. Nothing short of inclusive debate should be encouraged here, and it would be foolhardy to allow an unregulated anarchy of jibes and ad hominem attacks to replace genuine consideration for well-written viewpoints.

The format we will use, I think, will be one where a specific issue is identified by mutual agreement for discussion for an indefinite period of time. After which conclusions may be drawn (or attempted) and a new topic proposed. It is of utmost importance that postings and comments be confined to the subject at hand, and not stray too far in its references to other subjects.

For example, if the topic matter is the U.S. invasion of Iraq and its efficacy in combatting world terrorism (ostensibly the intent of the invasion), then references to the politics of U.S. gun laws would be misdirective, and thus, dismissed out of hand.

There is a time and a place for far flung discussions of everything political, but this is not the place. And I think our time would be better used if focused upon narrow, specific issues -- as much as this is possible. Narrowness in focus must not replace good sense, and it is perfectly acceptable to point out, for example, that the plight of the poor in this country is a broad issue involving everything from government programs to criminality to race relations.

This first message has grown too long and too arduous -- already I have bored my reader. So, let us commence with something interesting, and it is hoped that we will be successful.


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